domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

Intercultural Studies - Carlos 1D

Best Moments 8D - Laurinda

One of the most remarkable moments of my life was when I started to walk. I was at my grandmother’s house and let my mother hands off and run after my grandmother, so I hit my, It took me 3 points. Until today I have the scar on my forehead!

One of the most remarkable moments of my life was when my sister was born.
I remember very well, I was only 5 or 6 years old, it was in the morning my mother felt pain and my father called the ambulance. It didn’t arrive so he called a taxi, this time my uncle arrived and helped us to take my mother to the hospital.

The most remarkable moment of my life was when I got my first job. I thought it would last long but I was wrong, because I was a construction helper and I suffered a lot. I was happy anyway.

The saddest moment of my life was when my parents got divorced, my brother went to live with my father and I got hurt a lot.
The most remarkable moments of my life was when I went to live with my grandmother, it was very good, but I’m hurt because my grandmother will go away.

My name is Jessica Daiane and the most remarkable moment of my life was I was at home and my father was very bad and I could do nothing to help him. So my oldest brother got from work and took him to the hospital, I was with him just one day and he was transferred to the hospital in Sorocaba. My mother and I visited him during the week, but on Sunday he died. I was very sad because I didn’t have that nice, educated and happy person by my side.

When I started studying at Laurinda at 5th. Grade I was very scared because I was alone in the middle of many different bigger people. But time went by and I got used to everybody, made friends and it has been 4 years I study here and I like very much the school.

One of the most remarkable moments of my life was I came to Ibiúna to live here. Other good moment was last Sunday when I was at Ibirapuera Park riding a bike and fell down.
My name is Luana and I’ll talk a little about me and my life. So my parents got divorced when I was still a child and everything has changed. I had to decide with whom I would live and I suffered very much. But now it’s allright, everybody is on the way, I’m fine, know what I want and do to reach my objectives, be someone in life and take a great university.

My name is Thainara, I’m 14 years old and when I was a child had many dreams to work and get a boyfriend. At the moment I just study and will finish my studies, be someone in life, take a Lawyance University and my parents will be proud of me.

One of the most remarkable moments of my life was when I learned to ride a bike. My father gave me a bike and I learned alone, fell down into the swimming pool, but after three weeks I really learned.

One of the most remarkable moments of my life was when I became older had a crazy dream to be nurse. I told my family that my dream was to be nurse technician; they were surprised but agreed with me.
So I talked on the course and they told I would be the youngest student, approved and my mother pays R$ 250,00 during 2 years and 1 month.
I’m happy to be responsible and study at Laurinda and after go to the course. I have already taken part in vaccination campaign.

The most remarkable moment for me was when I moved to downtown in Ibiúna with my father and my mother. Before I lived with my grandfather. It was good when I started playing an instrument in the church. And when my brother was born was very happy.

My life was, as everybody’s lives, very hard. One remarkable thing to me is when I was bitten by a dog and my nose had to be sewed. It was very bad to breath but now it’s ok. I will always fight.

The most remarkable moment in my life was when my cousin was born and he was very cute I was very happy.

My life is from insignificance to significance since childhood until the moment. The remarkable moments I remember were when my brother was born two years ago and when my grandfather died.

I’m Marcelo, I’m 14 years old and when I was 12 years old was run over by a car and was asleep in the hospital during two days. I was in deep coma and today I’m here telling you my story.

The most remarkable moment of my life was when I had my first birthday. It was so nice: my aunt met me at the gate and told me to come back and help my mother in the kitchen. When I came back the door was closed. When I entered they started to sing and clap the hands. It was my best birthday like that. It was the best moment for me.

My life was always happy and full of trick and funny moments.
I liked to get together with family and friends. I was always naughty and nonsense,
but I lived many good moments and one of them was:
In the end of the year we went to travel to the beach and go along the beach. We saw wonderful places, very unbelievable but we were late four hours according to the plan. When we arrived there we were in a wonderful place and it was very good.

The most remarkable moment in my life was when a girl called Samila pulled me when I was playing tag in the school. I guess it was remarkable because I had a terrible scar on my knee.
Everything happened when I was running near the stair and there was a big water puddle. After they asked me:
- Lidia did you get hurt?
And I answered:
- No, I took a swimming pool bath!!!!
After all she didn’t look at me anymore.
I’m Lidia, 14 years old and this happen to me when I was 11.

Well… my life is a summary of changing to changing since I was a child, like those small choices day by day, besides those we make us start a new page of our new life.
The first one was when I was 4 years old I moved to Ibiúna.
The second was in 2009, I was 13 years old, I had to go back to Arujá, my home town.
The third was this year when I got the news to move again to Ibiúna after vacation.
That’s it! The changing made me to start a new page of my life and was told here.

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Quem sou eu

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I'm English and Portuguese teacher and love it. I live in Ibiúna, work at Laurinda and CNA, I'm married and have 3 wonderful and cute kids.