sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010

Best Moments from Students 8ª C and 8ª D

We can share the best or not so good moments of our lives here...

One day I went to school to play ball and some guys wanted to fight with me. I was so scared but I didn’t fight so I went to the school wall and jumped. I went home very scared...


When my little brother fell down the stairs he has been in the hospital for a year and couldn’t walk. The doctor told us he would never walk again. I was so sad, but thanks God after a year he started to recover and now he’s walking again.


The most remarkable moment in my life was last year when my mother was very sick. She got a stone in the visicula and a tumor in her brain. She fainted all the time and said nonsense things. My stepfather insisted to her going to the hospital and then she was treated, had a surgery in the visicula. But she still faints in her job. I hope she can be treated and nothing happens.


The most remarkable moment in my life was when I learned to drive a car. It was a Saturday morning, my cousin and I were washing the car and he told me he would teach me how to drive. I was so happy because I could drive if my mother was sick.


A good moment for me was when I spent a weekend at my cousin’s house. It was an amazing day, we called our friends, played ball and played cabra cega . This moment my aunt was cleaning the ground and when I came back to touch my cousin I slid and fell down and had cut my chin, it couldn’t stop bleeding and after a long time it stopped. I had the scar until today.


The most remarkable moment in my life was when my parents got divorced. I was only 5 years old My father has gone and my mom, my brother and I got very sad. It has been nine years they got divorced, but I'm glad because they are following their own way now...


A great moment in my life was when my parents were separated and after they got together. We traveled to Santos, had dinner at a fancy restaurant near the beach. We talket a lot, it was amazing, I was very happy because my family wasn't destroyed e we were together again.


Outstanding Moment.
When I was at my cousins' house and rode horseback. There was much mud, because it had rained the previous day. Suddenly the horse slid and I fell down. It was a very good experience even though I rode a horse since I was seven years old.
I've never taken a scar like this. So I was not worried about me but about him. It was all right and we went back to the house.
This day was very good and scary at the same time because it remarked my life.


On December 2008 my father was with his friends to celebrate Crhistmas. We have never celebrated it. At 5:00 on December 24 everybody was in my house. It's very good when you can celebrate Christmas and New Year with family and friends.
I like to be with my friends and family: it's the best moment of my life...


When I was 12 years old I wento to play my first Tournament of Tennis in São Paulo and I was able to win the best players. I was very proud.


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Quem sou eu

Minha foto
I'm English and Portuguese teacher and love it. I live in Ibiúna, work at Laurinda and CNA, I'm married and have 3 wonderful and cute kids.